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{{Source|source=|author=Francis Benle|editor=Francis Benle|title=Nwɔra ne mɔ fane nolobɔvo mɔɔ manle ye kayete ne dule, noko ɔnvi ye ahonle nu la|date/place=19/05/2013|volume/pages=|Olanguage=English|ISBN=|publisher=Copyright 1899 by Herbert S. Stone & Co. Published online by Project Gutenberg at www.gutenberg.org|translanguage=Nzema|translator=Francis Benle|onlinedistribution=|type=narration|annotator=Francis Benle|contributor=|corpustranslator=Francis Benle|link=http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/2241/#tx_textmenu|article=nolobɔvo  bie nwu-nle  kɛ  ye  asɔnemra    ne anye  enie  ye  nolobɔlɛ  ne anwo <br>preacher some see-PAST that 3SG congregation DET eye dislike 3SG preaching DET on<br><br>noko bɛ-kpɔne  asɔne  a  bɛ-n-gola    ye  kakile ye<br>but  3PL-close church PRT 3PL-NEG-able  3SG  say  3SG<br><br>''a certain preacher realised that his church members were not happy with his preaching but were not able to confront him after service''<br><br>ɔ-nwu-nle    kɛ  bɛ-ye  ye  ndɛne    mɔ  fane  ye  nolobɔlɛ  ne  anwo<br>3SG-see-PAST that 3PL-say 3SG something PRT about 3SG preaching DET on<br><br>''he realised they complain badly behind him about his mode of preaching''<br><br>wɔ ye  nolobɔlɛ  ne  anu ɔ-bɔ    mɔdenle kɛ  ɔ-bado  ye  aneɛ    ne  aze<br>in 3SG preaching DET in  3SG-try well    that 3SG-put 3SG language DET down<br><br>ye-ayeye  ninyɛne mɔ  ɔ-nea  asɔnemra    ne  ɛnrɛde        ɔ-bo  la  ye-avi  nu<br>3SG-remove things  PRT 3SG-see congregation DET NEG-understand 3SG-in PRT 3SG-from in<br><br>eza  kɛ  ɔ-kɛva  Latini la  ye-ava  Nrɛlenza mɔ  ɛnyɛ ɛse      la  ye-abɔ  ye  <br>aslo that 3SG-take Latin  PRT 3SG-take English  that NEG difficult PRT 3SG-say 3SG <br><br>nolo      ne<br>preaching DET <br><br>ama  asɔnemra    ekpunli  ne  mɔ  tua ye  kakɛ  la  ade        ye ɛdwɛkɛ  ne abo<br>so  congregation sub-group DET that pay 3SG salary PRT understand 3SG message DET in<br><br>''in the course of his preaching he made sure he used basic English language instead of Latin that every member of the congregation would understand. he tried as much as possible to eliminate all difficult part of the text he used in preaching so that the members especially those who paid him understood him''<br><br>Noko  asɔnemra    ne  mɔ  ɛha  la  ɛhye  ɛnzɔ bɛ  nye<br>but  congregation DET  PRT  other PRT  that  NEG  3PL interest<br><br>naa  bɛ-nwu  nolobɔvo ne  kɛ  ɔ-nyɛ    deɛ<br>and  3PL-see preacher DET that 3SG-doing well <br><br>''despite all these most of the members of the congregation were not impressed with his preaching and saw him as a common preacher''<br><br>nolobɔvo  ne  denla-nle aze  dwenle-nle ɛhye anwo dedee la<br>preacher  DET sit-PAST  down think-PAST this on  long  PRT <br><br>ɔ-nwu-nli    kɛ  ansɛna ye  asɔnemra    ne  anye ba-lie      ɔ-nwo    la<br>3SG-see-PAST that before 3SG congregation DET eye  3PL-interest 3SG-body PRT<br><br>kyesɛɛ ɔ-kakyi    adenle mɔ  ɔ-dua    zo ɔ-bɔ    ye  nolo      ne  la<br>unless 3SG-change manner PRT 3SG-pass on 3SG-say 3SG preaching DET PRT<br><br>''the preacher, having sat down to ponder over the situation, realised that in order for the members to be impressed with his teaching he would have to adopt a new style''<br><br>ɛhye ati    ɔ-zuzu-le      adwenle fofolɛ<br>this reason 3SG-think-PAST plan    new<br><br>''as a result of this he adopted a new strategy''<br><br>ye  molɛ  bieko nwolemɔ ne  ɔ-kpondɛ-le    kɛlata mɔ  ndelebɛbo    ɛne nu la <br>3SG sunday again morning DET 3SG-search-PAST text  PRT understanding NEG in PRT<br><br>naa ɔ-genga-le    ye  fane dɔɔnwo ne  ala<br>and 3SG-read-PAST 3SG each more  DET PRT<br><br>''the following Sunday morning he picked a strange text and read through several times''<br><br>naa ɔ-va-le      ye  adwenle ɔ-bubu le      ye  asɔnemra    ne <br>and 3SG-take-PAST 3SG mind    3SG-assess-PAST 3SG congregation DET<br><br>naa ɔ-yɛ-le      ye  adwenle kɛ  ɔ-kaha  mɔ  bɛ-kulo  la<br>and 3SG-make-PAST 3SG mind    that 3SG-say PRT 3PL-like PRT<br><br>''he took his mind back to the congregation and decided to go and preach to them what they would like to hear ''<br><br>ɛhye ma-nle    ɔ-du-le        ngɛlɛhɛlɛ bie  ɔ-vi-le      Icelandic ɛdwɛdolɛnli<br>this make-PAST 3SG-remove-PAST text      some 3SG-from-PAST Icelandic poet<br><br>Ikon Navrojk ɛdwɛne ne anu<br>Ikon Navrojk poetry DET in<br><br>ɔ-wie-le        la  ɔ-yɛ le      ye  adwenle kɛ  ɔ fa    ɛhye ye-ali  gyima<br>3SG-finish-PAST PRT 3SG-make-PAST 3SG mind    that 3SG-take this 3SG-use work<br><br>''he extracted a verse from the Icelandic poet Ikon Navrojk and decided to work with it ''<br><br>raalɛ bɛlane bie  mɔ  de  bɛ-nyunlu la  va le    ye  ɛhwɛleɛ ne  do le    ɔnye<br>woman fat    some PRT sit 3PL-front PRT take-PAST 3SG glass  DET put-PAST eye <br><br>naa ɔ-yɛ-le      ɔ  nzo ngengɛnye kɛ ɔ-tie<br>and 3SG-do-PAST 3SG ear alert    to 3SG-listen<br><br>Nrenyia bie noko mɔ de fema zo la  noko bɔ-le      ɔ-bo        kɛ ɔ-bɔ    ɔti  aze<br>man  some also PRT sit righton PRT also start-PAST 3SG-begining to 3SG-nod head down<br><br>''one fat woman who sat in front put on her glass and decided to listen attentively. a certain man who was also sitting at the right hand side also started nodding the head  ''<br><br>asɔnemra    ne  bɔ-le      ɔ-bo        kɛ bɛ-nlɛnlea bɛ-nwunli <br>congregation DET begin-PAST 3SG-begining to 3PL-look  3PL-faces<br><br>kɛ  asɛ bɛ-nyia mɔ  bɛ-kpondɛ la<br>that now 3PL-get PRT 3PL-like  PRT<br><br>''in the course of the preaching that day the members began looking at their faces as a sign of they getting what they wanted''<br><br>nolobɔvo kyikyi-le ɔnwunlu  naa ɔ-wie-le      la  ɔ-biza-le asɔnemra ne kpunyia<br>preacher clean-PAST 3SG-face and 3SG-finish-PAST PRT 3SG-ask-PAST cong. DET question<br><br>''the preacher cleaned his face and asked his members questions ''<br><br>wɔ mekɛ ɛhye asɔnemra    ne  anye liele kpalɛ <br>at time this congregation DET eye  happy well<br><br>ɔ-lua      kɛ  adawu  ɛhye mɔ  ati  a  bɛ-tua  nolobɔvo ne  kakɛ  a<br>3SG-reason that message this PRT that PRT 3PL-pay preacher DET salary PRT<br><br>''within this time the members became extremely happy because to them it was for this type of preachings that they pay the preacher''<br><br>kenle zɔhane bɛ-nye lie-le    ɔ-luakɛ    adawu  ne  yɛ-le    bɛ  fɛ  kpole kpalɛ<br>day  that  3PL-eye happy-PAST 3SG-reason message DET make-PAST 3PL interest big well<br><br>''that day they became extremely happy because they were interested in that message''<br><br>nolobɔvo ne  du le      ngɛlɛlɛ bulu nee mɔtwɛ vilii Gilikinli ɛdwɛndolɛnli <br>preacher DET remove-PAST line    ten  and eight from  Greek      poet<br><br>Amebius ɛdwɛndolɛ ne  anu naa ɔ-va-le      ɔ-biza-le    bɛ  kpunyia<br>Amebius poetry    DET in  and 3SG-take-PAST 3SG-ask-PAST 3PL question<br><br>noko asɔnemra    ne  biala am-muke  ɔ-nloa<br>but  congregation DET all  NEG-open 3SG-mouth<br><br>''the preacher pulled out a verse from the poetry of the Greek poet Amebius and questioned them with it but none of them opened the mouth''<br><br>ɔ-yɛ-le    ye  mɔ  ɔ-ka  ɛdwɛndolɛ bie  anwo ɛdwɛkɛ dedee naa ɔ-fɛ    a  ɛnee <br>3SG-do-PAST 3SG PRT 3SG-say poet    some body message long and 3SG-tire PRT then<br><br>ye-hɔva  debie    fofolɛ mɔ  asɔnemra    ne  anye ba-lie      nwo la  ye-ra<br>3SG-take something new    PRT congregation DET eye  3PL-interest on PRT 3SG-come<br><br>''he kept on moving from one text to the other so as to make the members happy''<br><br>Nzinli ɔ-hakyi-le      ɔ  ne    naa ɔ-hɔva-le    n-loma  nee fɛlawɔse nwo <br>later  3SG-change-PAST 3SG voice and 3SG-take-PAST PL-bird and flowers  on <br><br>ɛdwɛkɛ  ɔ rale<br>message 3SG-come-PAST<br><br>ɛhye ɛn-vane    ezunle  nwo noko ɔ-nloa    gua        zo ɔ-lɛka        la <br>this NEG-concern weeping on  but  3SG-mouth continuing on 3SG-preaching PRT <br><br>ɔ-zun-li<br>3SG-cry-PAST<br><br>''later he began preaching about birds and flowers and in the course of that he ended up weeping though the message did not merit weeping''<br><br>ɔ-wie-le        ɛhye mɔ  amuanla la  ɔ-denla-nle  aze<br>3SG-finish-PAST this PRT all    PRT 3SG-sit-PAST down<br><br>naa ɔ-lea-nle    asɔnemra    ne  anyunlu  la  ɔ-nwu-li    kɛ <br>and 3SG-look-PAST congregation DET face    PRT 3SG-see-PAST that <br><br>ɛnɛ  mɔ  ye-ha  bɛ  ahonle nu ɛdwɛkɛ<br>today PRT 3SG-say 3PL heart  in message<br><br>''after all these he sat down and having looked at the members he realised from their faces that he had indeed preached to their satisfation''<br><br>awiebiala anye lie-le    bɔbɔ      raalɛ bɛlane ne  mɔ  ɛnee    de  bɛ-nyunlu la<br>everybody eye happy-PAST especially woman plumby DET PRT that sit 3PL-front PRT<br><br>''everybody became happy especially the fat woman who was sitting in front ''<br><br>ngyegyelɛ ekyii mɔ  ɛnee ɛ-lɛ-gyegye asɔnemra    ne  la  a  lɛ kɛ <br>wory      small PRT that 3SG-be-wory congrgation DET PRT PRT be that<br><br>saa bɛ-yɛ    bɛ  adwenle kɛ  bɛ-ma    nolobɔvo ne  ahɔ    zo adenla<br>if  3PL-make 3PL mind    that 3PL-allow preacher DET continue on staying<br><br>naa ye-abɔ    zɔhane nolo  ne  a  kɛ  ɔ-kɛyɛ  naa bɛ-adua ye  kakɛ  kpalɛ la<br>and 3SG-preach that message DET PRT how 3SG-do  and 3PL-pay 3SG  salary well PRT<br><br>''the only problem the members had that day was how to motivate the preacher with good salary so that he could continue to give them that impressive message ''<br><br>asɔneyɛlɛ ne  ra-le    awieleɛ la  nolobɔvo ne  ma-nle    adenle kɛ<br>service  DET come-PAST end    PRT preacher DET give-PAST chance to <br><br>awie  biala kola biza kpunyia  mɔ  fane  nolo      ne  anwo la<br>member all  can  ask  question PRT about preaching DET on  PRT  <br><br>noko sonla ko bɔbɔ an-dwazo <br>but  human one never NEG-rise<br><br>''when the service came to an end the preacher inquired from the members if any of them had a question to ask concerning the preaching he got none.''<br><br>bɛ-muanla bɛ-lie-le    bɛ-do-le        nu<br>3PL-all  3PL-take-PAST 3PL-accept-PAST in<br><br>''they all accepted the message''<br><br>nolobɔvo ne  nwu-nli  mɔ  asɔnemra    ne  kpondɛ la <br>preacher DET see-PAST PRT congregation DET like  PRT<br><br>naa ɔ-yɛ-le      ye  adwenle kɛ  ɔ  nee bɛ  bɛ-azi    agole ko  ne  ala<br>and 3SG-make-PAST 3SG mind    that 3SG and 3PL 3PL-dance music one DET PRT<br><br>''the preacher having realized finally what the members wanted decided to dance to their tune''<br><br><br><br>Adawu ne  bodane:    fa  mɔ  menli  ne  kpondɛ la  ma  bɛ<br>story DET rationale: give PRT people DET like  PRT give 3PL<br><br>''about the story: give to others what they want''<br><br>}}
{{Source|source=|author=GEORGE ADE|editor=Francis Benle|title=Nwɔra ne mɔ fane nolobɔvo mɔɔ manle ye kayete ne dule, noko ɔnvi ye ahonle nu la|date/place=19/05/2013|volume/pages=|Olanguage=English|ISBN=|publisher=Copyright 1899 by Herbert S. Stone & Co. Published online by Project Gutenberg at www.gutenberg.org|translanguage=Nzema|translator=Francis Benle|onlinedistribution=|type=narration|annotator=Francis Benle|contributor=Francis Benle|corpustranslator=Francis Benle|link=http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/2241/#tx_textmenu|article=nolobɔvo      bie    nwunle    kɛ  ye  asɔnemra    ne  anye  enie  ye  nolobɔlɛ  ne anwo <br>preacher    some    saw      that his  members    the  eye unhappy hie preaching the on<br><br>noko bɛkpɔne        asɔne    a  bɛngola  ye  kakile  ye<br>but (they)closed  church    -  can't  it  say    him<br><br>''a certain preacher realised that his church members were not happy with his preaching but were not able to confront him after service''<br><br>ɔnwunle    kɛ  bɛye      ye  ndɛne      mɔ  fane  ye  nolobɔlɛ  ne  anwo<br>(he)saw  that  (they)say  his insinuation that about his preaching the on<br><br>''he realised they complain badly behind him about his mode of preaching''<br><br>wɔ ye  nolobɔlɛ  ne  anu ɔbɔ      mɔdenle kɛ  ɔbado  ye  aneɛ    ne  aze<br>in his preaching the in (he)tries effort that (he)put his language the down<br><br>yeayeye  ninyɛne mɔ  ɔnea  asɔnemra ne  ɛnrɛde        ɔbo  la  yeavi    nu<br>(he)remove things that (he)see members the misunderstand under  - (he)from  in<br><br>eza  kɛ  ɔkɛva  Latini  la  yeava  Nrɛlenza mɔ  ɛnyɛ ɛse      la  yeabɔ  ye  <br>also that (he)take Latin  - (he)take  English  that not difficult -  (he)say his <br><br>nolo      ne<br>preaching  the <br><br>ama  asɔnemra ekpunli  ne  mɔ  tua ye  kakɛ  la  ade        ye  ɛdwɛkɛ  ne abo<br>that members  group    the that  pay his salary - understand  his message the in<br><br>''in the course of his preaching he made sure he used basic English language instead of Latin that every member of the congregation would understand. he tried as much as possible to eliminate all difficult part of the text he used in preaching so that the members especially those who paid him understood him''<br><br>Noko  asɔnemra    ne  mɔ  ɛha  la  ɛhye  ɛnzɔ    bɛ    nye<br>but  congregation the  that left  -  this  dislike  their  eye<br><br>naa  bɛnwu    nolobɔvo ne  kɛ  ɔnyɛ  deɛ<br>and  (they)see preacher the that not  good <br><br>''despite all these most of the members of the congregation were not impressed with his preaching and saw him as a common preacher''<br><br>nolobɔvo  ne  denlanle aze  dwenle-nle ɛhye anwo  dedee la<br>preacher  the  sat    down  thought  this  on  long  - <br><br>ɔnwunli    kɛ  ansɛna ye  asɔnemra    ne  anye  balie  ɔnwo    la<br>(he)saw  that  before his  members    the eye  happy  himself  -<br><br>kyesɛɛ ɔkakyi      adenle  mɔ    ɔdua    zo  ɔbɔ    ye  nolo      ne  la<br>unless (he)changes manner  that (he)uses on (he)say his preaching the  -<br><br>''the preacher, having sat down to ponder over the situation, realised that in order for the members to be impressed with his teaching he would have to adopt a new style''<br><br>ɛhye ati    ɔzuzule      adwenle fofolɛ<br>this because (he)took      plan    new<br><br>''as a result of this he adopted a new strategy''<br><br>ye  molɛ  bieko nwolemɔ ne  ɔkpondɛle    kɛlata  mɔ  ndelebɛbo    ɛne nu la <br>its sunday again morning the (he)searched    text  that understanding not in  -<br><br>naa ɔgengale  ye  fane  dɔɔnwo ne  ala<br>and (he)read  it  several more  the  -<br><br>''the following Sunday morning he picked a strange text and read through several times''<br><br>naa ɔ-va-le  ye  adwenle  ɔbubule      ye  asɔnemra    ne <br>and (he)took  his  mind  (he)assessed  his congregation the<br><br>naa ɔyɛle    ye  adwenle kɛ  ɔkaha  mɔ  bɛkulo    la<br>and (he)made  his  mind  that (he)say that (they)like  -<br><br>''he took his mind back to the congregation and decided to go and preach to them what they would like to hear ''<br><br>ɛhye manle    ɔdule      ngɛlɛhɛlɛ bie    ɔvile      Icelandic ɛdwɛdolɛnli<br>this made    (he)removed  text    some  from        Icelandic    poet<br><br>Ikon Navrojk ɛdwɛne ne anu<br>Ikon Navrojk poetry the in<br><br>ɔwie-le      la  ɔ-yɛ le      ye  adwenle  kɛ    ɔfa    ɛhye  yeali  gyima<br>(he)finishd  -  (he)made      his  mind  that (he)take this (he)use work<br><br>''he extracted a verse from the Icelandic poet Ikon Navrojk and decided to work with it ''<br><br>raalɛ bɛlane bie  mɔ  de  bɛnyunlu  la  vale  ye  ɛhwɛleɛ ne  dole    ɔnye<br>woman fat    some that sit(their)front -  took  her  glass  the put  (her)eye <br><br>naa  ɔyɛle      ɔ  nzo ngengɛnye  kɛ  ɔtie<br>and (he)made    her ear  alert    to (her)listen<br><br>Nrenyia bie noko mɔ  de fema  zo la  noko bɔle    ɔbo    kɛ  ɔbɔ    ɔti      aze<br>man    some also that sit right on - also started (he)began to(he)nod (his(head down<br><br>''one fat woman who sat in front put on her glass and decided to listen attentively. a certain man who was also sitting at the right hand side also started nodding the head  ''<br><br>asɔnemra    ne  bɔle      ɔbo    kɛ  bɛnlɛnlea  bɛnwunli <br>congregation the began  initially  to (they)look  (their)faces<br><br>kɛ  asɛ bɛ-nyia  mɔ    bɛkpondɛ    la<br>as  if  (they)got that  (they)like  -<br><br>''in the course of the preaching that day the members began looking at their faces as a sign of they getting what they wanted''<br><br>nolobɔvo kyikyile  ɔnwunlu  naa  ɔwiele      la  ɔbizale asɔnemra ne  kpunyia<br>preacher cleaned  (his)face  and (he)finished  -  (he)asked members the question<br><br>''the preacher cleaned his face and asked his members questions ''<br><br>wɔ mekɛ ɛhye asɔnemra    ne  anye  liele  kpalɛ <br>at time this congregation the  eye  happy well<br><br>ɔlua      kɛ  adawu  ɛhye mɔ  ati  a  bɛtua    nolobɔvo ne  kakɛ  a<br>because  that message  this them that -  (they)pay preacher the salary  -<br><br>''within this time the members became extremely happy because to them it was for this type of preachings that they pay the preacher''<br><br>kenle zɔhane bɛnye    liele  ɔluakɛ    adawu  ne  yɛle bɛ    fɛ  kpole kpalɛ<br>day  that  (their)eye happy because  message the  made them happy big well<br><br>''that day they became extremely happy because they were interested in that message''<br><br>nolobɔvo ne  dule    ngɛlɛlɛ bulu  nee mɔtwɛ vilii Gilikinli ɛdwɛndolɛnli <br>preacher the removed  text    ten  and eight from  Greek      poet<br><br>Amebius ɛdwɛndolɛ ne  anu naa  ɔvale      ɔbizale  bɛ  kpunyia<br>Amebius poetry    the in  and (he)used  (he)asked  them question<br><br>noko asɔnemra    ne  biala  ammuke      ɔnloa<br>but  congregation the all  (not)open  (his/her)mouth<br><br>''the preacher pulled out a verse from the poetry of the Greek poet Amebius and questioned them with it but none of them opened the mouth''<br><br>ɔyɛle    ye  mɔ  ɔka    ɛdwɛndolɛ bie  anwo ɛdwɛkɛ dedee naa ɔfɛ      a  ɛnee <br>(he)did  it that (he)say poet      some body message long and (he)tired -  then<br><br>yehɔva    debie    fofolɛ  mɔ  asɔnemra    ne  anye balie  nwo la  yera<br>(he)take something    new  that congregation the eye  happy  on  - (it)come<br><br>''he kept on moving from one text to the other so as to make the members happy''<br><br>Nzinli ɔhakyile      ɔ  ne    naa ɔ-hɔva-le    nloma  nee fɛlawɔse nwo <br>later  (he)changed  his voice  and (he)took    birds  and flowers  on <br><br>ɛdwɛkɛ  ɔrale<br>message (he)came<br><br>ɛhye ɛnvane    ezunle  nwo noko ɔnloa      gua    zo    ɔlɛka        la <br>this unconcern weeping  on  but  (his)mouth continue on (he)preaching  - <br><br>ɔzunli<br>(he)cried<br><br>''later he began preaching about birds and flowers and in the course of that he ended up weeping though the message did not merit weeping''<br><br>ɔwiele        ɛhye  mɔ  amuanla  la  ɔdenlanle  aze<br>(he)finished  this  that  all      -  (he)sat  down<br><br>naa ɔleanle    asɔnemra    ne  anyunlu  la  ɔnwuli    kɛ <br>and (he)looked congregation the  face    -  (he)saw    that <br><br>ɛnɛ  mɔ    yeha  bɛ    ahonle nu ɛdwɛkɛ<br>today that (he)say their heart  in message<br><br>''after all these he sat down and having looked at the members he realised from their faces that he had indeed preached to their satisfation''<br><br>awiebiala anye liele    bɔbɔ      raalɛ bɛlane ne  mɔ  ɛnee  de  bɛnyunlu    la<br>everybody eye  happy especially  woman  fat  the that  was  sit (their)front  -<br><br>''everybody became happy especially the fat woman who was sitting in front ''<br><br>ngyegyelɛ ekyii mɔ  ɛnee ɛlɛgyegye asɔnemra    ne  la  a  lɛ kɛ <br>worry    small that was  worrying  congrgation the  -  -  is that<br><br>saa bɛyɛ        bɛ  adwenle  kɛ  bɛma      nolobɔvo ne  ahɔ    zo adenla<br>if (they)make  their  mind  that (they)allow preacher the continue on staying<br><br>naa yeabɔ    zɔhane nolo  ne  a  kɛ  ɔkɛyɛ    naa bɛadua    ye  kakɛ  kpalɛ la<br>and (he)preach that message the  - how (it)will  and (they)pay his  salary well -<br><br>''the only problem the members had that day was how to motivate the preacher with good salary so that he could continue to give them that impressive message ''<br><br>asɔneyɛlɛ ne  rale  awieleɛ la  nolobɔvo ne  manle    adenle kɛ<br>service  the came  end      -  preacher the  gave    chance that <br><br>awie  biala kola biza kpunyia  mɔ  fane  nolo      ne  anwo la<br>member all  can  ask  question that about preaching the  on  -  <br><br>noko sonla ko  bɔbɔ    andwazo <br>but  human one even    rose<br><br>''when the service came to an end the preacher inquired from the members if any of them had a question to ask concerning the preaching he got none.''<br><br>bɛmuanla    bɛliele    bɛdole            nu<br>everybody  (they)took  (they)accepted    in<br><br>''they all accepted the message''<br><br>nolobɔvo ne  nwunli  mɔ    asɔnemra    ne  kpondɛ la <br>preacher the  saw    that congregation  the  like  -<br><br>naa  ɔyɛle  ye  adwenle  kɛ  ɔ  nee  bɛ    bɛazi    agole  ko  ne  ala<br>and (he)made  his  mind    that he  and  them  dance    music one  the  -<br><br>''the preacher having realized finally what the members wanted decided to dance to their tune''<br><br><br><br>Adawu ne  bodane:    fa  mɔ  menli  ne  kpondɛ la  ma  bɛ<br>story the rationale: give that people the  like  - give  them<br><br>''about the story: give to others what they want''<br><br>}}

Latest revision as of 22:03, 22 May 2013

Source information
Author/Creator/Speaker(s) GEORGE ADE
Editor/Recorded by/Broadcaster Francis Benle
Title Nwɔra ne mɔ fane nolobɔvo mɔɔ manle ye kayete ne dule, noko ɔnvi ye ahonle nu la
Original language English
Date/Place 19/05/2013
Publisher Copyright 1899 by Herbert S. Stone & Co. Published online by Project Gutenberg at www.gutenberg.org
Translation language Nzema
Translator Francis Benle
Type narration
Annotator Francis Benle
Contributor Francis Benle
Corpus translator Francis Benle
Link to the annotated dataset http://typecraft.org/TCEditor/2241/#tx_textmenu

nolobɔvo bie nwunle kɛ ye asɔnemra ne anye enie ye nolobɔlɛ ne anwo
preacher some saw that his members the eye unhappy hie preaching the on

noko bɛkpɔne asɔne a bɛngola ye kakile ye
but (they)closed church - can't it say him

a certain preacher realised that his church members were not happy with his preaching but were not able to confront him after service

ɔnwunle kɛ bɛye ye ndɛne mɔ fane ye nolobɔlɛ ne anwo
(he)saw that (they)say his insinuation that about his preaching the on

he realised they complain badly behind him about his mode of preaching

wɔ ye nolobɔlɛ ne anu ɔbɔ mɔdenle kɛ ɔbado ye aneɛ ne aze
in his preaching the in (he)tries effort that (he)put his language the down

yeayeye ninyɛne mɔ ɔnea asɔnemra ne ɛnrɛde ɔbo la yeavi nu
(he)remove things that (he)see members the misunderstand under - (he)from in

eza kɛ ɔkɛva Latini la yeava Nrɛlenza mɔ ɛnyɛ ɛse la yeabɔ ye
also that (he)take Latin - (he)take English that not difficult - (he)say his

nolo ne
preaching the

ama asɔnemra ekpunli ne mɔ tua ye kakɛ la ade ye ɛdwɛkɛ ne abo
that members group the that pay his salary - understand his message the in

in the course of his preaching he made sure he used basic English language instead of Latin that every member of the congregation would understand. he tried as much as possible to eliminate all difficult part of the text he used in preaching so that the members especially those who paid him understood him

Noko asɔnemra ne mɔ ɛha la ɛhye ɛnzɔ bɛ nye
but congregation the that left - this dislike their eye

naa bɛnwu nolobɔvo ne kɛ ɔnyɛ deɛ
and (they)see preacher the that not good

despite all these most of the members of the congregation were not impressed with his preaching and saw him as a common preacher

nolobɔvo ne denlanle aze dwenle-nle ɛhye anwo dedee la
preacher the sat down thought this on long -

ɔnwunli kɛ ansɛna ye asɔnemra ne anye balie ɔnwo la
(he)saw that before his members the eye happy himself -

kyesɛɛ ɔkakyi adenle mɔ ɔdua zo ɔbɔ ye nolo ne la
unless (he)changes manner that (he)uses on (he)say his preaching the -

the preacher, having sat down to ponder over the situation, realised that in order for the members to be impressed with his teaching he would have to adopt a new style

ɛhye ati ɔzuzule adwenle fofolɛ
this because (he)took plan new

as a result of this he adopted a new strategy

ye molɛ bieko nwolemɔ ne ɔkpondɛle kɛlata mɔ ndelebɛbo ɛne nu la
its sunday again morning the (he)searched text that understanding not in -

naa ɔgengale ye fane dɔɔnwo ne ala
and (he)read it several more the -

the following Sunday morning he picked a strange text and read through several times

naa ɔ-va-le ye adwenle ɔbubule ye asɔnemra ne
and (he)took his mind (he)assessed his congregation the

naa ɔyɛle ye adwenle kɛ ɔkaha mɔ bɛkulo la
and (he)made his mind that (he)say that (they)like -

he took his mind back to the congregation and decided to go and preach to them what they would like to hear

ɛhye manle ɔdule ngɛlɛhɛlɛ bie ɔvile Icelandic ɛdwɛdolɛnli
this made (he)removed text some from Icelandic poet

Ikon Navrojk ɛdwɛne ne anu
Ikon Navrojk poetry the in

ɔwie-le la ɔ-yɛ le ye adwenle kɛ ɔfa ɛhye yeali gyima
(he)finishd - (he)made his mind that (he)take this (he)use work

he extracted a verse from the Icelandic poet Ikon Navrojk and decided to work with it

raalɛ bɛlane bie mɔ de bɛnyunlu la vale ye ɛhwɛleɛ ne dole ɔnye
woman fat some that sit(their)front - took her glass the put (her)eye

naa ɔyɛle ɔ nzo ngengɛnye kɛ ɔtie
and (he)made her ear alert to (her)listen

Nrenyia bie noko mɔ de fema zo la noko bɔle ɔbo kɛ ɔbɔ ɔti aze
man some also that sit right on - also started (he)began to(he)nod (his(head down

one fat woman who sat in front put on her glass and decided to listen attentively. a certain man who was also sitting at the right hand side also started nodding the head

asɔnemra ne bɔle ɔbo kɛ bɛnlɛnlea bɛnwunli
congregation the began initially to (they)look (their)faces

kɛ asɛ bɛ-nyia mɔ bɛkpondɛ la
as if (they)got that (they)like -

in the course of the preaching that day the members began looking at their faces as a sign of they getting what they wanted

nolobɔvo kyikyile ɔnwunlu naa ɔwiele la ɔbizale asɔnemra ne kpunyia
preacher cleaned (his)face and (he)finished - (he)asked members the question

the preacher cleaned his face and asked his members questions

wɔ mekɛ ɛhye asɔnemra ne anye liele kpalɛ
at time this congregation the eye happy well

ɔlua kɛ adawu ɛhye mɔ ati a bɛtua nolobɔvo ne kakɛ a
because that message this them that - (they)pay preacher the salary -

within this time the members became extremely happy because to them it was for this type of preachings that they pay the preacher

kenle zɔhane bɛnye liele ɔluakɛ adawu ne yɛle bɛ fɛ kpole kpalɛ
day that (their)eye happy because message the made them happy big well

that day they became extremely happy because they were interested in that message

nolobɔvo ne dule ngɛlɛlɛ bulu nee mɔtwɛ vilii Gilikinli ɛdwɛndolɛnli
preacher the removed text ten and eight from Greek poet

Amebius ɛdwɛndolɛ ne anu naa ɔvale ɔbizale bɛ kpunyia
Amebius poetry the in and (he)used (he)asked them question

noko asɔnemra ne biala ammuke ɔnloa
but congregation the all (not)open (his/her)mouth

the preacher pulled out a verse from the poetry of the Greek poet Amebius and questioned them with it but none of them opened the mouth

ɔyɛle ye mɔ ɔka ɛdwɛndolɛ bie anwo ɛdwɛkɛ dedee naa ɔfɛ a ɛnee
(he)did it that (he)say poet some body message long and (he)tired - then

yehɔva debie fofolɛ mɔ asɔnemra ne anye balie nwo la yera
(he)take something new that congregation the eye happy on - (it)come

he kept on moving from one text to the other so as to make the members happy

Nzinli ɔhakyile ɔ ne naa ɔ-hɔva-le nloma nee fɛlawɔse nwo
later (he)changed his voice and (he)took birds and flowers on

ɛdwɛkɛ ɔrale
message (he)came

ɛhye ɛnvane ezunle nwo noko ɔnloa gua zo ɔlɛka la
this unconcern weeping on but (his)mouth continue on (he)preaching -


later he began preaching about birds and flowers and in the course of that he ended up weeping though the message did not merit weeping

ɔwiele ɛhye mɔ amuanla la ɔdenlanle aze
(he)finished this that all - (he)sat down

naa ɔleanle asɔnemra ne anyunlu la ɔnwuli kɛ
and (he)looked congregation the face - (he)saw that

ɛnɛ mɔ yeha bɛ ahonle nu ɛdwɛkɛ
today that (he)say their heart in message

after all these he sat down and having looked at the members he realised from their faces that he had indeed preached to their satisfation

awiebiala anye liele bɔbɔ raalɛ bɛlane ne mɔ ɛnee de bɛnyunlu la
everybody eye happy especially woman fat the that was sit (their)front -

everybody became happy especially the fat woman who was sitting in front

ngyegyelɛ ekyii mɔ ɛnee ɛlɛgyegye asɔnemra ne la a lɛ kɛ
worry small that was worrying congrgation the - - is that

saa bɛyɛ bɛ adwenle kɛ bɛma nolobɔvo ne ahɔ zo adenla
if (they)make their mind that (they)allow preacher the continue on staying

naa yeabɔ zɔhane nolo ne a kɛ ɔkɛyɛ naa bɛadua ye kakɛ kpalɛ la
and (he)preach that message the - how (it)will and (they)pay his salary well -

the only problem the members had that day was how to motivate the preacher with good salary so that he could continue to give them that impressive message

asɔneyɛlɛ ne rale awieleɛ la nolobɔvo ne manle adenle kɛ
service the came end - preacher the gave chance that

awie biala kola biza kpunyia mɔ fane nolo ne anwo la
member all can ask question that about preaching the on -

noko sonla ko bɔbɔ andwazo
but human one even rose

when the service came to an end the preacher inquired from the members if any of them had a question to ask concerning the preaching he got none.

bɛmuanla bɛliele bɛdole nu
everybody (they)took (they)accepted in

they all accepted the message

nolobɔvo ne nwunli mɔ asɔnemra ne kpondɛ la
preacher the saw that congregation the like -

naa ɔyɛle ye adwenle kɛ ɔ nee bɛ bɛazi agole ko ne ala
and (he)made his mind that he and them dance music one the -

the preacher having realized finally what the members wanted decided to dance to their tune

Adawu ne bodane: fa mɔ menli ne kpondɛ la ma bɛ
story the rationale: give that people the like - give them

about the story: give to others what they want