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EDUCATION Sep2006 WILLIAM MARSH RICE UNIVERSITY, PhD Linguistics: Grammar of Eastern Khanty. Sep2000 MARI EL STATE UNIVERSITY, YOSHKAR-OLA, Russia: Graduate degree in Linguistics “Kandidat Nauk, Philologia”): Eastern Khanty Verb System. Jul1996 TOMSK STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY, TOMSK, Russia: undergraduate studies in Education, Linguistics, TEFL, “Diplom”.

PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION Aug2013-Jan2014 WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, Department of Modern Languages: Fulbright Faculty Development Program fellow: Curriculum Development and Teaching/Learning Methods in Linguistics. Apr2012-Jul2012 TOKYO UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES, Institute of Languages and Cultures of Africa and Asia: Japan Society for Promotion of Science post-doctoral researcher: Linguistic typology of Siberia. Dec2010-Jan2011 UNIVERSITY OF LEIPZIG / MPI LEIPZIG, DAAD research visitor: Areal Typology of Western Siberia, Documentation of Endangered Languages. Jan2009-Jul2009 UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA / VIENNA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Program: visiting researcher: Quantitative methods, research administration. Apr2009 CENTER FOR POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION AND RESEARCH, PAVIA - LANGUAGES OF EUROPE: TYPOLOGY, HISTORY AND SOCIOLINGUISTICS (LETISS): attendant - International Spring School. Jan2008-Jun2008 UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI, Department of General Linguistics: INTAS YSF visiting fellow: Corpus and Quantitative methods of Studying Language Contact, Variation and Change in Siberia. Jan2007-Jun2007 UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, Department of Linguistics and English Language: INTAS YSF visiting fellow: corpus and quantitative methods of studying language contact variation and change in Siberia. Sep2006 ECOLE NORMALE SUPEREUR, PARIS: attendant - 4th Fall School in Linguistics and Cognitive Science EALing2006 (morphology, syntax). May2005 MPI NIJMEGEN, Holland: attendant - DoBeS Training in Language Documentation and Archival: theory, methods and technologies of language data archiving (equipment & software training: ELAN, ToolBox, IMDI, AdobePremier, AdobeAudition, Praat). Oct1998-Mar2000 OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE International Policy Fellowship. ‘Preservation of Linguistic/Cultural Diversity in Western Siberia’. Jan1999-Mar1999 BRITISH SIL Wycliffe Centre, UK: ‘Field Linguistics’. Nov1999 OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE International Management Centre: Strategy Development & Project Assessment.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Oct2012-Jan2013 Guest lecturer, University of Hamburg, Institute for Uralic and Finno-Ugric Studies: taught Field-Ling Methods, Linguistic Typology of Siberia (15 BA and MA students). Aug2004-present Head, Department of Indigenous Siberian Studies, Tomsk State Pedagogical University: supervised graduate research projects; administered research program in Linguistic Anthropology and Language Documentation; raised research funds (over 20 grant projects: 4 out of 8 research faculty supported through outside funding); taught graduate courses: Field Linguistics & Language Documentation, Uralic Languages of Siberia, Linguistic Typology of Siberia (20 BA, MA, PhD students); edited academic journal (Linguistics/Anthropology: 3 issues); coordinated community outreach program; coordinated recruitment program; supervised PR projects for Department. Sep1998-present Associate professor, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Department of FLT methodology: instructor of Linguistics and Foreign Languages; postgraduate research supervision; research method & ProfComm. Nov2004-Jun2005 Pre-doctoral researcher, MPI Leipzig DoBeS Tofa project: local research liaison & administration, indigenous language documentation project. Aug2002-May2004 Teaching Assistant, William Marsh Rice University, Department of Linguistics: Linguistics 201 (Instructor: Nancy Niedzielski). Oct1998-Mar2000 Policy Research Fellow, Open Society Institute, Budapest: Comparative History and Policy Analysis ‘Prerequisites for preservation of Linguistic-Cultural Diversity in Siberia’. Oct1996-Aug2004 Research fellow, Laboratory of Indigenous Languages of Siberia: graduate research in Language and Culture of Indigenous People of Western Siberia. Sep1995-Aug2000 Assistant Teacher, Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Department of English Philology: Instructor of English, Linguistics (Intro), History of English.