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User:Misah Natumanya


My name is Misah Natumanya, a Ugandan by nationality.I am a master's student at the Institute for Languages and Communication Studies at NTNU. Back home,I am a teaching Assistant in the Institute of Languages, Makerere University. I teach Runyakitara and some linguistics courses at undergraduate level. I enjoy morpho-syntax, morpho-semantics, phonology, translation and lexicography.I have a rich experience in translation from English to Runyankore-Rukiga, and I am among the key editors of the first ever Runyankore-Rukiga monolingual dictionary locally known as "Kashoboorozi ya Runyankore-Rukiga". Am also an author of Runyankore-Rukiga primary school thematic curriculum books, with Macmillan Publishers. I like linguistics with all my heart and soul,and believe me,this natural language database,will further our linguistic analysis.

Currently, I am writing a thesis on Applicative Constructions in Runyankore-Rukiga, It is basically on Runyankore-Rukiga Applicative Morphology (different forms and allomorphs of the applicative affix in RR). Classification of RR Applicative Constructions with their object relations,as well as the co-occurrences of the applicative morpheme interests me, but let's see how much I can cover in one thesis. I wish I could cast everything in terms of Lexical Functional Grammar(LFG). The study ideally will be both descriptive(being the first of its kind to document applicative constructions in Runyankore-Rukiga)and analytic. Yet, description is where I need to start.

Please also visit my corpus

My corpus consists of:

Conversations and dialogs


Newspaper excerpts




Excerpts from literary texts


Excerpts from linguistic texts


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