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User:Justus Turamyomwe

here am I
Justus Turamyomwe is my name. I come from Uganda 'The pearl of Africa'. Currently I'm a student at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology doing my Mphil in Linguistics.
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="-0.763527" lon="30.704041" type="terrain" zoom="9">

-0.766274, 30.596924 Mwizi - my home </googlemap>Mwizi is my home village. We speak Rukiga.

Regarding my academic background, I have a Bachelors degree in Runyakitara (Runyankore-Rukiga and Runyoro-Rutooro languages) and public administration from Makerere University, Kampala. I have spent most of my time doing project work, the latest being a Runyankore-Rukiga monolingual Dictionary and an English Runyankore-Rukiga bilingual dictionary.

I have loaded several audio files to the TCwiki which I have transcribed and annotated as part of my mphil work. The following category page gives and overview over this work. It is important to me that this work is public, and also can be accessed by my informants, however, the name of my informants are only given with initials. My thesis contains more in-depth information about my work with my primary sources. If you have questions concerning my data please use the TypeCraft internal e-mail system to contact me.

As a visitor of this site, please contact the Department for Languages and Communication Studies at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway directly.

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