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User:Medadi Erisa Ssentanda

Medadi photo.JPG


My name is Medadi Erisa Ssentanda. I hold an M.A. (Linguistics) and B. A (Education: Luganda and History), Makerere University. I am currently an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of African Languages, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa.

My native language is Luganda (also known as Ganda). I love my mother tongue and I want to see it develop each day.

At the University, I teach: Luganda morphology, Research methods in Luganda, and Translation. I also participate in projects at the Institute of Languages: Translation projects, Software Localization, Dictionary Writing and in Linguistic terminology development for Luganda together with terminology for Primary Schools.

I have developed great interest in the area of Language Description and Documentation. In addition I am very interested in Computer work, research, translation, teaching and learning new things.

There are two squibs that I am working on now: A comparative analysis of Runyankore-Rukiga and Luganda pronominal agreement and Typology of Luganda verbal and nominal affixes. These two articles are under construction.

Please visit the Luganda page(s) for more information.

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