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Corpus:Everyone needs an advisor

Revision as of 12:45, 19 October 2012 by Dorothee Beermann (Talk | contribs)

Source information
Source written material
Author/Creator/Speaker(s) does this come from a written text?
Title what was the original title?
Original language is Safaliba the original language?
ISBN in case it is published to be filled
Translation language possibly Safaliba
Translator possibly Mango
Online distribution TypeCraft
Type narration
Annotator here Mango's user name
Contributor Kaja Borthen, User:Bodua-Mango_Kennth User:Dorothee Beermann
Corpus translator Mango's name
Link to the annotated dataset this needs to wait until we have a corpus

1.Ba saŋ maŋ ye ká kpaŋ zaa maŋ wo nira ka ú ní ú liere taa
They always say that everyone should look for someone so they advice each other

2.Bampɛ daba ŋ ne nagmu ka korindoŋɪ wa pam ú
Leopard’s friend was Deer and Black Partridge (BP) came to borrow from him(Leopard).

3.Pam ma ká ŋ wa ta ka ŋ yabi í
"Lend me (some money), and I will pay when I grow up."

4.úŋ pam ú ligbiri nii wɛɛra yome awuna
He(Leopard (L))lent the money to him for several years

5.úŋ tí úŋ ye ká ŋ naŋ taya naŋ ŋaa Ŋ naŋ ba ta.
He (then)went and he (BP) asked: "Have I grown? I have not yet grown."

6.Úŋ ye sira wuna ŋ ne í naŋ ba ta
He (L) said: "yes it is true, you have not yet grown."

7.Úŋ sugi ú blɛŋ ka ú lɔga wa yi.
He(L)asked him (BP)until he became fed-up.

8.úŋ wa ye ká ah veni ka ŋ tí bɛɛ tí nyɛ ŋ daba.
He (then)said: "Let me go tomorrow and see my friend."

9.Úŋ tí ka ú tí dɔɔni ú daba
And he went to say good morning to his friend.

10.ú daba sagi nyina íŋ weera
His friend responded: "Where are you going to?"

11.úŋ ye haali wa yi dinaa kɔriŋdoŋɪ haŋ wa pam ŋ ligbiri
He said Black Partridge came to borrow my money

12.ká ká ú wa ta ka ú yabi ma haali dinaa ú naŋ ba yabi ma
that when he grows he will pay, but up to now he has not yet paid.

13.Ká ŋ wa tí zaa úŋ ye ú naŋ ba ta
Whenever I go he says, he has not yet grown

14.Ká ŋ wa tí zaa úŋ ye ú naŋ ba ta
Whenever I go he says he has not yet grown

15.Úŋ ye blɛɛ?
And he (Deer) said: "Is that so?"

16.Úŋ ye ɛɛŋ.
And he (L)said: "yes."

17.Ká í wa tí kyi ú ká ú bɔɔli ú saa ní ú maa ka ba wa ka í di sanni nii ku ba
When you go tell him to call his father and his mother so you leave the debts with them

18.ká í ku la wa bee.
That you will not come there again

19.Ká ba wa nyɛ ka ba wa ku
When they get the money then they bring it to him

20.Úna ba baŋi ká blɛ iŋfɛrɛ ŋ nɛ nii.
He (BP) did not know it was a plan.

21.Ú saŋ tí ʧi ú blɛ úŋ dɛɛ ka ú tí bɔɔli ú saa ní ú maa
When he (L) went and told him (BP) he accepted and he went and called his father and his mother.

22.Aah asei úna wuna saŋ ɛ bibile nii úna wuna la ta yite bana
Not knowing that even he who was the child had grown bigger than them

23.Úŋ ye ká í saa bɛ úŋ yɛ ká nyɛ ú
And he (L) said where is your father? And he said: "Look at him."

24.Úŋ ye ká í maa bɛ úŋ ye ká úna ŋ naa
And he (leopard) said where is your mother? And he (black partridge) said she is here

25.Úŋ ye ká ooooooo ká ŋ ba baŋi ká blɛ ŋ lɛ
And he (leopard) said ooooo I did not know that that is how it is

26.Ŋ ligbee nii dinaa wuna sei ka a kpɛ ŋ nuu.
I must have my money today

27.Ŋ ba baŋi ká ye beesuŋ lɛ.
I did not know that it was your nature

28.Ku ma ŋ bunsi
Give me my things (money)

29.ká a ba kpɛ ŋ nuu ŋ ku tí
if i don’t get my money i will not go away

30.ká ú saa ye ká tɔɔ sira ŋ lɛ baŋ kpɛ ka ba tí wo ligbiire nii wa ku ú
and his (black partridge) father said ok it is true and they went and looked for the money and came and gave to him (leopard)

31.ka ú saa sugi ú
and his (black partridge) father asked him (leopard)

32.ɛɛɛ bulu ŋaa, sugri ŋaa, blɛ í saŋ wa ʧi tu ŋaa
this massage, this question what you just asked us

33.ká ú bɔli ú saa ní ú maa ŋaa
that he (black partridge) should call his (black partridge) father and his (black partridge) mother

34.aŋna ŋ ku í blɛ wuna iŋfɛrɛ
who gave you that thinking

35.úŋ ye ká sira ŋ nɛ nagmu
and he (leopard) said true it was deer

36.nagmu ŋ ku ma blɛ iŋfɛrɛ
it was deer who gave me that thinking

37.úŋ ye ká nagmu ŋ ku í blɛ iŋfɛrɛ
and he (black partridge’s father) was is deer that gave you that thinking

38.úŋ ye ɛɛŋ
and he (leopard) said yes
39.nagmu miŋ ú miŋ ba só nyina
deer too he (deer) has no teeth

40.úŋ miŋ da pɔsɛɛ ka ú ku bampɛ
and he (black partridge’s father) also bought kola and gave to him (leopard) to give to deer

41.bampɛ dɛɛ ká í tíya í di ku nagmu ká ŋ ye ú poosu ŋ naa
Leopard collect and when you go give it to deer that I say this is his thank you

42.ká ŋ poosiro ú
that I am saying hi to him (deer)

43.nagmu dʒaŋya ka bampɛ waya ká ú wa poosu ú
deer was lying down and leopard came to greet him (deer)

44.úŋ ye ká í tí nyɛ í ligbee nii
and he (deer) said did you go and get your money

45.úŋ ye ɛɛŋ
and he (leopard) said yes

46.úŋ ye wuna íŋ ɛ nyɛ a
and he (deer) said what did you do to get it

47.úŋ di blɛ yɛli
and he narrated what happened

48.í bɔli naŋ ŋ yore bee
did you call my name there

49.úŋ ye ɛɛŋ
and he (leopard) said yes

50.ká ba yɛ ká ŋ dɛɛ pɔsɛɛ wa ku í
that they said I collect cola and come and give you

51.úŋ ye aŋna ŋ ku ma a pɔsɛɛ
and he (deer) said who asked you to give

52.úŋ ye ká korindoŋɪ saa ká ŋ di pɔsɛɛ wa ku í
and he (leopard) said that black partridge’s father said I should collect cola and come and give to you

53.ú naani ŋ tu ma ba naani ŋ tu ma ína ŋ tu ma
he (black partridge’s father) was not the one who insulted me they were not the ones who insulted me it was you how insulted me

54.bunu nii saŋ wa ka bampɛ ní nagmu aŋ zabi baŋ barisi taa nii a piraa ŋ lɛ nii
That is why deer and leopard quarrelled and become enemies