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User:Helen Atipoka

Revision as of 12:14, 26 January 2011 by Helen Atipoka (Talk | contribs)


My name is Helen Atipoka Adongo, a lecturer at the department of Gur-Gonja Education university of education,Winneba-Ghana.

I have an MPhil in Phonetics. The topic of my thesis was spectrographic analysis of Gurene short oral vowels. I did an acoustic description of the vowels of five major dialects of Gurene.The vowels of individual speakers were described by measuring their formant frequencies. I also investigated the effect of age on formants and compared male and female formants.

I am currently working on focus marking in gurene. Focus seems pervasive in Gurene. Focus can be marked by the particles mɛ, n, ya, ti, ni, la, kɔ’ɔm, nuuri and vowel lengthening with tone raising at the end of a word. However it is unclear whether all these particles are really focus markers as some of them seem to have some other grammatical functions.this research is on-going research and hopes to find out which of these particles are real focus markers. distinguish the focus markers from the other grammatical particles.

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