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Revision as of 11:16, 17 March 2008 by Alick (Talk | contribs)

Alick Kadango Bwanali

Alick Bwanali works with the Centre for Language Studies as a Language Specialist responsible for Chichewa. A holder of a Masters degree in Applied Linguistics, Mr Bwanali hails from Mbuna Village in traditional authority Mazengera's area, in the Capital of Malawi, Lilongwe.His mother and first language is Malawi's national language, Chichewa. His father is a Yawo from Mayani in Dedza hence his yawo names kadango Bwanali. He is married to Linda NyaGondwe, a Tumbuka from the Nkhamanga kingdom, at Borero. Because of his parental and familiy linguistic background, he speaks Chichewa, Ciyawo and Citumbuka. Alick did his primary school at Dzalanyama LEA school in the Dzalanyama Range forest reserve, Lilongwe where his father worked with the Forest department. He attended Mtendere secondary from 1988 to 1992 before being selected to the University of Malawi Chancellor College in 1992 to pursue a Bachelor of Education degree majoring in English and linguistics. Upon graduating in 1997, he taught English and Chichewa at Zomba Catholic Secondary School. He joined the Centre for Language Studies on 1st July 1998. He has done a lot of work in translation, dictionary compilation, editing, teaching of Chichewa to non native speakers, research and other language related services. His current area of focus is Health Communication particularly on HIV and AIDS. His recent work in this area includes a research study on The Evaluation of HIV and AIDS Information, Education and Communication Materials in Malawi. A report is available on request. The findings of the study were disseminated at a Language and HIV and AIDS Conference in January 2008. Mr Bwanali has also facilitated a number of conferences and workshops and published several articles and papers. See CV. He is currently studying for his PhD at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Trondheim, Norway. His area of focus is Terminography (for HIV and AIDS)

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