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--Typecraft (talk) 12:59, 1 May 2016 (CEST)
The study of Bantu applicatives has a long tradition.
Here are some references ordered by language[1]:
- Sesotho – Morolong & Hyman, 1977; Machobane, 1989; Demuth, 2003;
- Haya – Duranti & Byarushengo, 1977; Hyman & Duranti, 1982;
- Chichewa – Marantz, 1984; Baker, 1988; Alsina & Mchombo 1990;
- Kichaga – Bresnan & Moshi, 1990;
- Chishona – Harford, 1993
- Bemba - Marten, 2011
Bantu languages differ in whether they allow symmetric or asymmetric applicatives. Luganda belongs to the former class, which means that both objects behave like core objects: they can become the subject of a passive construction, and they can be expressed as pre-verbal pronominal affixes on the applicativized verb.
Two question areas stand central in the linguistic literature on applicativization in Banut: (a) Which arguments can be applicativized, and, under applicativization, is the applied argument independently lexicalized or expressed within the verb, or both? (b) which syntactic verb classes allow applicativization, can for example also ditransitive verbs be applicativized and do all verb classes support applicatives?
In the following we will focus our description of the Luganda applicative on six salient properties, using IGT examples from the TypeCraft's public Luganda corpus. The corpus contains at the point of writing (April 2016) 94 sentences where at least one verb is glossed for having an applicative extension.
These are the parameters we have considered:
- The thematic role of the applied argument (AA)
- The syntactic category of the AA (e.g. PN, N, PP)
- Presence of argument indices
- Linearization of the objects in ditransitive applicatives
- Applied object topicalization
- Applied object relativization
(1) VERB: tunuula Meaning: 'look', see' , Thematic Role: Stimulus, Argument index: "ki" is class 7, which gives a pejorative meaning to the applicativized object, Topicalization: -
Kale n’okitunuulira, ye mukadde, ye mubi.
“So you look at him/her, s/he is old and at the same time ugly.”
n’okitunuulira |
ne | o | ki | tunuul | ir | a |
andCONJ | 2SG | AUG7AGR | look/seeVstem | APPL | FV |
V |
mukadde |
mu | kadde |
1AGR | old-person |
mubi |
mu | bi |
1AGR | ugly/bad |
(2) VERB: leeta Meaning: 'bring', Thematic Role: Beneficiary, AA-Category: AA not independently lexicalised , Argument index: + , Topicalization: -
Mumuleetedde ssente mmeka?
“How much money have you brought for him/her?”
Mumuleetedde |
mu | mu | leet | er | dde |
2PLSBJ | 3PSGOBJ | bring | APPL | PFV |
V |
(3)VERB: nywa, Meaning' : 'drink', Themantic Role: Location, AA-Category: AA not lexicalized independently, Argument index: Locative endclitic on the verb, Topicalisation: -
Agavubuka gabadde ganywerawo enjaga.
“The youths have been smoking marijuana from there.”
Agavubuka |
a | ga | vubuka |
IV | AUG22AGR | youth |
CN |
gabadde |
ga | b | a | dde |
REL22 | be | FV | PFV |
ganywerawo |
ga | nyw | er | a | wo |
REL22 | drinkVstem | APPL | FV | LOCREL16 |
V |
enjaga |
e | n | jaga |
IV | 9AGR | marijuana |
CN |
(4) VERB: kola Meaning: 'do', AA':Bebe Cool Thematic Role: Beneficiary, AA-Category: Np , Argument index: -, Topicalisation: -
Azze akolera Bebe Cool obubaga.
“She has been organizing parties for Bebe Cool.”
Azze |
a | z | ze |
3SG | comeVstem | PFV |
V |
akolera |
a | kol | er | a |
3SG | doVstemREP | APPL | FV |
V |
Bebe |
Bebe |
name-of-a-person |
Np |
Cool |
Cool |
name-of-a-person |
Np |
obubaga |
o | bu | baga |
IV | DIM14AGR | wedding/party |
CN |
(5)VERB: tunuula Meaning: 'look', 'see' AA: akazimbe kaganyegenya , Thematic Role: Stimulus, AA_Category: CN Argument index: -, Topicalisation: -
Tunuulira akazimbe kaganyegenya ke bayita poliisi y’eggwanga eddamba!
“Look at the unfavourable house that they call the police for the whole country!”
Tunuulira |
tunuul | ir | a |
look/seeVstem | APPL | FV |
V |
akazimbe |
a | ka | zimb | e |
IV | DIM12AGR | build | NMLZ |
CN |
kaganyegenya |
ka | ganyegenya |
DIM12AGR | unfavourable |
bayita |
ba | yit | a |
3PL | callVstem | FV |
V |
y’eggwanga |
y’ | e | gg | wanga |
forGEN9AGR | IV | 5AGR | country |
CN |
eddamba |
e | d | damba |
IV | 5AGR | whole |
(6)VERB: soma Meaning: 'read' , Themantic Role: Malficiary, AA-Category: AA not lexicalized independently, Argument index: +, Topicalisation: - Note: The meaning read to me is here interpreted as talking bad about me (might be a slang expression)
Olaba ne kitabani kya gundi kyansomera luli.
“You see even the other guy’s son talked bad about me the other time.”
Olaba |
o | lab | a |
2SG | seeVstem | FV |
V |
kitabani |
ki | tabani |
AUG7AGR | son |
CN |
kyansomera |
ky | a | n | som | er | a |
7AGR | PAST | 1SG | readVstem | APPL | FV |
V |
luli |
lu | li |
11AGR | last-time |
ADVtemp |
(7)VERB:suula Meaning: 'throw', Thematic Role: Theme, AA-Category: AA not lexicalised independently,Argument index: DIM.12, Topicalisation: -
Ekasuulira omusajja atudde mu ntebe.
“It throws it to the man who is sitted in the chair.”
Ekasuulira |
e | ka | suul | ir | a |
SBJ9AGR | OMDIM12AGR | throw | APPL | FV |
V |
omusajja |
o | mu | sajja |
IV | 1AGR | man |
CN |
(8)VERB: kaaba, Meaning: 'cry', AA: waggulu, Thematic Role: Locative, Category: CN/ADV place, Argument index: -, Topicalisation: -
Akawuka kongera okukaabira waggulu.
“The insect continues crying from up.”
Akawuka |
a | ka | wuka |
IV | DIM12AGR | insectANIM |
CN |
kongera |
k | onger | a |
DIM12AGR | continue | FV |
okukaabira |
o | ku | kaab | ir | a |
IV | INF | cry | APPL | FV |
V |
waggulu |
waggulu |
above/upLOC |
ADVplc |
(9)VERB: buuka Meaning: 'jump' , AA: ebintu, Themantic Role: Locative, Category: CN, Argument Index: Locative; endclitic on the verb Topicalisation: -, Relativisation: +
Ebintu by'ebuukirako bigwa.
“The things it jumps on fall down.”
Ebintu |
e | bi | ntu |
IV | 8AGR | thing |
CN |
by'ebuukirako |
by' | e | buuk | ir | a | ko |
8OM | SBJ9AGR | jump | APPL | FV | REL17LOC |
V |
(10)VERB: kaaba Meaning: 'cry', AA: nju, Themantic Role: Locative, Category: PP
Akawuka kakaabira mu nju.
“The insect cries from the house.”
Akawuka |
a | ka | wuka |
IV | DIM12AGR | insect |
CN |
kakaabira |
ka | kaab | ir | a |
SBJDIM12AGR | cry | APPL | FV |
V |
(11)VERB: jjuza Meaning: 'fill', Themantic Role: Beneficiary, AA-Category: Argument is not lexicalized, Argument index: -, Topicalisation: - Applicativized verb is an infinitive, main verb is an imperative. Applicative is an infix.
Muyambe omujjulize ekidomola ekyo
“Help him to fill up that jerrycan”
Muyambe |
mu | yamb | e |
3SG | help | SBJV |
V |
omujjulize |
o | mu | jjuz | li | | e |
IV | 2SG | fill | INFAPPL | | SBJV |
V |
ekidomola |
e | ki | domola |
IV | 7 | jerrycan |
N |
(12)VERB:tabuula Meaning: 'look', Themantic Role : Stimulus, AA-Category: Argument is not lexicalized, Argument index: 3SG, animate, Topicalisation: -
Kkapa emutunuulira n'emutunuulira.
“The cat looks and looks at him/her.”
emutunuulira |
e | mu | tunuul | ir | a |
SBJ9AGR | 1OM | look | APPL | FV |
V |
n'emutunuulira |
n' | e | mu | tunuul | ir | a |
and | SBJ9AGR | 1OM | look | APPL | FV |
V |
(13)VERB:tabuula Meaning: 'look', AA: omusajja,Themantic Role : Stimuli, AA-Category: NP,
Argument index: -, Topicalisation: -
Oluvannyuma etunuulira omusajja.
“Afterwards it looks at the man.”
Oluvannyuma |
oluvannyuma |
afterwards |
ADVm |
etunuulira |
e | tunuul | ir | a |
SBJ9AGR | look | APPL | FV |
V |
omusajja |
o | mu | sajja |
IV | 1AGR | man |
CN |
(14)VERB: fi Meaning: 'die', AA: mu leeba , AA-Category: PP, Topicalisation: -
Comment: the expression die in labour undergoes locative applicativization.
Wali owuliddeyo omusajja afiira mu leeba?
“Have you ever heard of a man who dies in labour?”
owuliddeyo |
o | wuli | dde | yo |
2SG | hear | PFV | LOC |
V |
Omusajja |
o | mu | sajja |
IV | 1SG | man |
CN |
afiira |
a | f | iir | a |
3SG | die | APPL | FV |
V |
(15) VERB:buuka Meaning: 'jump', AA: kantu, Themantic Role : Location, AA-Category: NP LocativeRelative Marker: ko, Topicalisation: - Relativisation:+
Ebuukabuuka naye nga buli kantu k'egezaako okubuukirako ekakoona ne kagwa wansi.
“It jumps repeatedly but whatever thing it tries to jump from, it knocks it (the thing) and it (the thing) falls down.”
Ebuukabuuka |
e | buuk | a | buuk | a |
SBJ9AGR | jump | FV | jumpREDP | FV |
V |
kantu |
ka | ntu |
DIM12AGR | thing |
CN |
k'egezaako |
k' | e | gezaako |
V |
okubuukirako |
o | ku | buuk | ir | a | ko |
IV | INF | jump | APPL | FV | RELLOC17 |
V |
ekakoona |
e | ka | koon | a |
SBJ9AGR | DIM12SG | knock | FV |
V |
kagwa |
ka | gwa |
DIM12AGR | fall |
V |
(16)VERB:suula Meaning: 'throw', Themantic Role: Theme, Argument Index: DIM.12.,
Topicalisation: -
Ekwata akawuka n'emimwa gyayo n'ekasuulira omusajja eyali atudde mu ntebe.
“It catches the cat with its mouth and it throws it to the man who was sitting in the chair, and it knocks him while asking him to tell it; "what is this?"”
Ekwata |
e | kwat | a |
SBJ9AGR | catch | FV |
V |
akawuka |
a | ka | wuka |
IV | DIM12AGR | insect |
CN |
n'emimwa |
n' | e | mi | mwa |
andCONJ | SBJ9AGR | 4AGR | mouth |
CN |
gyayo |
gya | yo |
n'ekasuulira |
n' | e | ka | suul | ir | a |
andCONJ | SBJ9AGR | DIM12AGR | throw | APPL | FV |
V |
omusajja |
o | mu | sajja |
IV | 1AGR | man |
CN |
eyali |
e | y | a | li |
(17)VERB:buuka Meaning: 'jump', AA: ebintu, Thematic Role : Location, AA-Category: NP LocativeRelative Marker: ko,
Topicalisation: - Relativisation:+
Ebintu by'ebuukirako ne bigwa akawuka ne kongera okukaabira waggulu.
“The things it jumps from fall down and the insect continues crying from above.”
Ebintu |
e | bi | ntu |
IV | 8AGR | thing |
CN |
by'ebuukirako |
by' | e | buuk | ir | a | ko |
REL8 | SBJ9AGR | jump | APPL | FV | RELLOC17 |
V |
akawuka |
a | ka | wuka |
IV | DIM12AGR | insect |
CN |
kongera |
k | onger | a |
DIM12AGR | continue | FV |
V |
okukaabira |
o | ku | kaab | ir | a |
IV | INF | cry | APPL | FV |
V |
waggulu |
waggulu |
above |
ADVplc |
(18) applicative copula construction
Omulenzi n’omuwala basaana okubeera abayonjo ennyo ddala.
“It is proper for a boy and girl to be so very clean”
Omulenzi |
o | mu | lenzi |
IV | 1SG | boy |
N |
omuwala |
o | mu | wala |
IV | 1SG | girlFEM |
N |
basaana |
ba | saan | a |
3PL | fit/proper | FV |
V |
okubeera |
o | ku | b | e | er | a |
IV | 15INF | be | FV | APPL | FV |
V |
abayonjo |
a | ba | yonjo |
| 3PL | cleaniliness |
N |
(19) VERB kola Meaning: 'do', Themantic Role: Beneficiary, AA-category: AA not independently lexicalized, Argument index: 3PL, Topicalization: -
Buli kasente ke baweereza okubaako kye mubakolera kafuuka k’abo be baaleka emabega.
“Every money that they send for you to do something for them is taken by those whom they left back.”
kasente |
ka | sente |
DIM12AGR | money |
CN |
baweereza |
ba | weerez | a |
3PL | sendVstem | FV |
V |
okubaako |
o | ku | baa | ko |
| INF | be | LOC |
mubakolera |
mu | ba | kol | er | a |
2PL | 3PL | doVstem | APPL | FV |
V |
kafuuka |
ka | fuuk | a |
DIM12AGR | turnVstem | FV |
V |
k’abo |
k’ | abo |
forREL12 | thoseDISTREL2 |
PRTposs |
baaleka |
ba | a | lek | a |
3PL | PAST | leaveVstem | FV |
V |
emabega |
e | mabega |
IV | behind |
ADVplc |
(20) VERB: kasuka Meaning: 'throw', Thematic Role: Recipient, AA-category: AA not independently lexicalized,Argument index: 3PL , Relativisation:+
Ani abazaala mmwe embwa ze beebakako ne babakasukira obusente obutawera na ddoola emu?
“Who gives birth to you dogs which they sleep on and they throw to you money which doesn’t even sum up to one dollar?”
abazaala |
a | ba | zaal | a |
3SG | 3PL | give-birthVstem | FV |
V |
embwa |
e | m | bwa |
IV | 9AGR | dogANIM |
CN |
beebakako |
be | ebak | a | ko |
3PL | sleepVstem | FV | LOC |
V |
babakasukira |
ba | ba | kasuk | ir | a |
3PL | 2PL | throwVstem | APPL | FV |
V |
obusente |
o | bu | sente |
IV | DIM14AGR | money |
CN |
obutawera |
o | bu | ta | wer | a |
IV | 14AGR | NEG | sum-up-to | FV |
(21)VERB: tandika Meaning: 'begin', Thematic Role: Event, AA-category: de-verbal noun,
We natandikira okusoma nga nnina emyaka etaanu
“I was five years old when I went to school”
natandikira |
n | a | tandik | ir | a |
I1SG | PAST | begin | APPL | FV |
V |
okusoma |
o | ku | som | a |
IV | INF15 | read | FV |
N |
(22) VERB: gejja, Meaning: 'fatten', Thematic Role: Goal, AA-category: CN, Topicalization: -
GuGgolola gwagejjera bwereere tegulina maanyi, akasajja akatono kakukuba katya?
“Ggolola fattened for nothing he doesn't have power, how can a tiny man beat you?”
gwagejjera |
gw | a | gejj | er | a |
20AGR | PAST | fattenVstem | APPL | FV |
V |
bwereere |
bwereere |
nothing |
N |
tegulina |
te | gu | lina |
NEG | 20AGR | haveVstem |
V |
maanyi |
maanyi |
power/energy |
CN |
akasajja |
a | ka | sajja |
IV | DIM12AGR | man |
CN |
akatono |
a | ka | tono |
IV | DIM12AGR | small |
kakukuba |
ka | ku | kub | a |
DIM12AGR | REL2SG | beatVstem | FV |
V |
katya? |
ka | tya? |
DIM12AGR | howQ |
(23) VERB: yuza Meaning: 'tear', AA: olugoye lwange, Thematic Role: Patient, AA-category:CN, Argument index: 1SG, Topicalization: - ,
Comment: The applicativized argument is of class 11.It is a possessive NP (1.SG).
Ani yanjulizza olugoye lwange?
“Who tore my cloth?”
yanjulizza |
y | a | n | yuz | li | zz | a |
3SG | PAST | 1SG | tear | INFAPPL | PFV | FV |
V |
olugoye |
o | lu | goye |
IV | 11 | cloth |
N |
lwange |
lw | ange |
11 | minePOSS |
PN |
(24) VERB: okoza Meaning: 'wash' AA:lubalaza., Thematic Role: Location, AA-category: PP,
Comment: the applicative extension is an infix
Mugende mwoleze ku lubalaza.
“go and wash at the verandar”
Mugende |
mu | gend | e |
2PL | go | SBJV |
V |
mwoleze |
mw | o | le | z | e |
| wash | APPL | | SBJV |
V |
lubalaza |
lu | balaza |
| verandar |
N |
(25)VERB: jagua, Meaning: 'celebrate', AA:amazaalibwa, Thematic Role: Patient, AA-category: the AA is not independently lexicalized,
Argument index: 6, Topicalisation : +, Relativization: -, Comment: The applicative extension is an infix
The example contains an annotation error, we deal with a topicalized AA .
Amazaalibwa ge bagenda kugajaguliza bweru.
“hi/her birthday will be celebrated from overseas.”
Amazaalibwa |
a | ma | zaal | ibw | a |
IV | 6 | birth | PASS | FV |
N |
bagenda |
ba | gend | a |
SBJ2PL | go | FV |
V |
kugajaguliza |
ku | ga | jagu | li | za |
INF | 6AGR | celebrate | APPL | |
V |
(26)VERB: fuuka, Meaning: 'turn against', Thematic Role: Malficiary, AA-category: the AA is not independently lexicalized,
Argument index: 3SG, Topicalisation : +, Relativization: -
The example contains an annotation error, the argument index mu is not a relative marker.
Kyokka bwe byatandise akasajja ne kamufuukira ekyambika ne kamukuba n’atya.
“But when they started the man became a problem to him/her and he beat him/her and feared.”
byatandise |
by | a | tandis | e |
8AGR | PAST | startVstem | IND |
V |
akasajja |
a | ka | sajja |
IV | DIM12AGR | man |
CN |
kamufuukira |
ka | mu | fuuk | ir | a |
DIM12AGR | REL3SG | turnVstem | APPL | FV |
V |
ekyambika |
e | kyambika |
IV | problem/threat |
CN |
kamukuba |
ka | mu | kub | a |
DIM12AGR | REL3SG | beatVstem | FV |
V |
n’atya |
n’ | a | ty | a |
andCONJ | 3SG | fearVstem | FV |
V |
(27) VERB: soma, Meaning: 'talk', Thematic Role: Subject matter, AA-category: AA is not independently realized,
Olaba ne kitabani kya gundi kyansomera luli.
“You see even (also) the other guy’s son talked bad about me the other time.”
kitabani |
ki | tabani |
CN |
kyansomera |
ky | a | n | som | er | a |
7AGR | PAST | 1SG | read | APPL | FV |
V |
luli |
luli |
the-other-time |
ADVtemp |
(28)VERB: ŋond, MEANING: 'easier', 'softer', Thematic Role: Beneficiary, AA-category: AA is not independently realized
Nze n’obulamu bwaŋŋondera, okuva lwe nakufuna mukwano dear.
“Me even (also) life became easier for me since I got you dear friend”
n’obulamu |
n’ | o | bulamu |
even/also | IV14 | life |
CN |
bwaŋŋondera |
bw | a | ŋ | ŋond | er | a |
14AGR | PASTrm | 1SG | ease/soften | APPL | FV |
V |
okuva |
o | ku | v | a |
IV | INF | since/from | FV |
V |
nakufuna |
n | a | ku | fun | a |
1SG | PASTrm | INF | get | FV |
V |
mukwano |
mu | kwano |
1SG | friendANIM |
CN |
(29)VERB: wa Meaning: 'give'
“You will give it to him/her ”
mukimumpeelangako |
mu | ki | mu | n | w | e | el | a | nga | ko |
2PLSBJ | 7OBJ | 2pOBJ | 1POBJ2 | give | | APPL | FV | HAB | |
V |
(30)VERB: wa Meaning: 'give'
“You will give it to him/her ”
mukimumpeelangako |
mu | ki | mu | n | w | e | el | a | nga | ko |
2PLSBJ | 7OBJ | 2pOBJ | 1POBJ2 | give | | APPL | FV | HAB | |
V |
- ↑ Proper references will be added shortly