Valence Profile English
Mary Esther Kropp Dakubu and Lars Hellan
This list is built on the system explained at Verbconstructions cross-linguistically - Introduction, and partly modeled on the Norwegian list presented in Norwegian Appendix
v-intr│suAg│ACTIVITY the boy jumps v-intr│suAg│SEMELFACTIVE the boy jumps v-intr│suAg│COMPLETEDMONODEVMNT Jack ate v-intr│suSens│PROTR-SENSATION the boy listens v-intr│suTh│PROCESS the ice melts v-intr│suTh│SUSTAINEDPHENOM the rain continued v-intr│suThmover│MOTION the ball rolls v-intr-suAbsGer│suThsit│ASSESS getting money for political favours stinks v-intr-suNrg│PHENOM it rains v-intrAdv│suAg│ACHIEVEMENT he functions well v-intrAdv│suTh│PROPTY the machine functions well v-intrObl│suAg_oblInstr│ACTIVITY Jane wrote with a pen v-intrObl│suAg_oblTrgt│ACTIVITY Jane wrote to John v-intrObl-oblEndpt│suAgmover│MOTIONDIRECTED John walked into the room v-intrObl│suExp_oblCsr│EMOTIONCAUSED they grieved over the death v-intrObl│suTh_oblLoc│PHENOM stars appear in the heavens v-intrObl-oblEqSuGer│suAg_oblContent│ASSESS Jane believes in speaking her mind v-intrObl│suPurelyorient_oblTrgt│ORIENT the arrow points to the north v-intrObl│suPath_oblTrgt│PATHCONSTELLATION the road goes towards the north v-intrAdvPath│suLocomoevent│LOCOMODEVELOPMENT the tour goes northwards v-intrAdvPresent-suExpn│suThmover│MOTIONPRESENTED there goes the ball v-intrComp│suCog_compThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE Kathy thought I would come v-intrComp-compYN│suCog_compThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE Kathy wonders whether I will come v-intrComp-compWH│suCog_compThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE Kathy wonders who will come v-intrExlnk-ExlnkDECL it appears that he will come v-intrExpn-expnAbsinf│ASSESS it helps to sit down v-intrExpn-expnDECL_suNrg│PHENOM it happens that the earth is round v-intrExpn-expnEquat│ASSESS it looks as if he did it v-intrExpn-expnWH_suNrg it is a question who comes v-intrExpn-expnYN it is a question whether he can do it v-intrImplMotion│suPath│CROSSINGPATHS their paths crossed v-intrObRais-suNrg_obRaisInf│obThsit│EXHIBACT he appears to come v-intrObl│suAg_oblAffincrem│NONCOMPLETED_MONODEVMNT she nibbles at the apple v-intrObl│suAg_oblLoc│LOCATION she lives in London v-intrObl│suAg_oblTopic│ACTIVITY-COMMUNICATION I talk about Jane v-intrObl│suAg_oblTrgt│EMISSION he vomited on the tablecloth v-intrObl│suTh_oblLoc│INCHOATIONLOCATED a crack appears in the glass v-intrObl│suTh_oblLoc│LOCATION Boston is in Massachusetts v-intrObl│suTh_oblLoc│LOCATION the town lies in the valley v-intrObl│suTh_oblPoss│POSSESSION the book belongs to Jane v-intrObl_suWH│suThsit_oblTh│DEPEND who comes depends on you v-intrObl-suWH_oblWH│suThsit_oblTh│DEPEND who comes depends on what you do v-intrObl-suYN│suThsit_oblTh│DEPEND whether he comes depends on you v-intrObl-suYN_oblYN│suThsit_oblTh│DEPEND whether he comes depends on whether you come v-intrObl-oblAbsGer│suAg_oblContent│ACTIVITY-ABOUTNESS they talk about travelling to Mars v-intrObl-oblDeclNom│suAg_oblContent│ACTIVITY they talk about it being too late v-intrObl-oblEqSuInf│suAg_oblContent│ACTIVITY-PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE he hopes to come v-intrObl-oblInf│suAg_oblEventcont│CAUSATION we arranged for him to get a visa v-intrOblExpn-suNrg_expnYN it depends on you whether he will win v-intrOblPath│suAgmover_OblEndpt│MOTIONtoENDPT a man runs to here v-intrOblScpr-scSuNrg_scInf│oblCog_scThsit│PERCPT he seems to me to be in a good mood v-intrPrtcl-suNrg│TELIC-PHENOM it clears up v-intrScPr-scPrAdj│suSens│PROTR-EXPER the boy feels cold v-intrScPr-suBPspec_scPrAdj│suThloc│PARTWHOLEEXPER my back feels cold v-intrScPrExpn-ScPrAdj_ExpnDECL it is essential that he comes v-intrPresnt│presTh there lived a man v-intrPresntLoc│presntAg_advLoc│POSTURELOC there sits a man in the chair v-intrPresnt-suNrg_presntREL│presThsit there comes a time when nothing works v-intrPrtcl│suAg│SUSTAINEDACTIVITY Jack keeps on v-intrPrtcl│suTh│SUSTAINEDPHENOM the rain keeps on v-intrPrtclGer│suAg│SUSTAINEDACTIVITY Jack kept on running v-intrPrtclObl│suAg_obl│SUSTAINEDACTIVITY Jack kept on with his running v-intrScpr-scAdj│suThmover│EXHIBPROPTY the water runs clear (formerly it didn’t) v-intrScpr-scSuNrg_scAdj│EXHIBPROPTY the boy seems sick v-intrScpr-scSuNrg_scInf he seems to believe it v-intrScpr-scSuNrg_scAdj│EXHIBPROPTY the boy seems sensible v-intrScpr-scSuNrg_scInf│EXHIBPROPTY the boy seems to be a leader v-intrScpr-scSuNrg_scPP│EXHIBPROPTY the boy seems in good shape v-intrScpr-scSuNrg_scPredprtcl│EXHIBPROPTY the boy appears as a hero in the report v-intrScpr-scSuArgCsd_scAdv│suTh│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT the coffee boils away v-intrScpr-scSuNrgCsd_scAdv│INCREMRESULT the cup runs over v-intrScpr-scSuNrgCsd_scAdv│INCREMRESULT the shore eroded away v-intrScpr-scSuNrgCsd_scPP│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT the house burned to a cinder v-intrScpr-suNrg_scEquat│RESULT it looks as though he came v-intrScpr-scAdj│suTh│PROPTYDYN the house stands empty v-intrLghtScpr-scSuNrg_scPredprtcl the boy emerged as a suspect v-intrLghtScpr-scSuNrgCsd_scAdj│INCREMRESULT the company goes broke v-intrPrtclScpr-scSuNrg_scAdj│EXHIBPROPTY the boy ended up sick v-intrScpr-scSuNrg_scPredprtcl│EXHIBPROPTY the boy sounds like a parrot v-intrObl│suAg_oblTrg│COMPARISON the boy runs like a donkey v-intrWH│PHENOM a time comes when nothing works v-intrAuxmodComp-compEqBareinf│suAg_compThsit Jane can paddle v-intrAuxmodScpr-suDir_scSuNrg_scAdv he must go out
v-tr│suAg_obAffincrem│MONODEVMNT she eats the apple v-tr│suAg_obAff│CONTACTFORCEFUL Jack beats John v-tr│suAg_obAffincrem│COMPLETED_MONODEVMNT Kathy ate the cake v-tr│suAgmover_obPathobj│MOTIONALONGLINE Kathy follows the path v-tr│suAgmover_obAgmover│MOTIONCROSSPATHS the boy crosses the demonstration parade v-tr│suAgmover_obEndpnt│MOTIONtoENDPT Kathy reaches the top v-tr│suAgmover_obStartpt│MOTIONDIRECTED Kathy left the room v-tr│suAg_obEjct│EJECTION Kathy throws the ball v-tr│suAg_obEjctinobj│EJECTION she shoots plastic bullets v-tr│suAg_obEventcont│ACTIVITY she sang a beautiful song v-tr│suAg_obExp│EMOTIONCAUSED Kathy frightens Jane v-tr│suAgmover_obLengthcont│MOTIONEXTENDING the boy walks two kilometers v-tr│suAg_obTh│REPRESENTING Kathy mentions Jane v-tr│suAg_obThincrem│COMPLETED_MONODEVMNT Kathy read the book v-tr│suAg_obThmover│MOTIONCAUSED Kathy sends the parcel v-tr│suAgmover_obViapnt│MOTIONviaVIAPT Kathy passes the church v-tr│suCog_obTh│COGNITION Kathy knows the answer v-tr│suComitmover_obAgmover│MOTIONPARALLEL the boy accompanies the president v-tr│suExp_obTrgt│EMOTION Jane likes horses v-tr│suOrientedline_obOrientedline│CROSSINGPATHS the stroke cuts the line v-tr│suOrientedline_obOrientedline│PARALLELPATHS the stroke follows the line v-tr│suPathobj_obEndpnt│EXTENSIONtoENDPT the path reaches the top v-tr│suPathobj_obViapnt│EXTENSIONviaVIAPT the path passes the church v-tr│suSens_obTh│SENSATION Kathy sees Jane v-tr│suPoss_obPossd│POSSESSION Jack owns a car v-tr│suTh_obBen│PENDINGSTATE an accident awaits him v-tr│suTh_obExp│EMOTIONCAUSED the book depresses Jane v-tr│suTh_obLengthcont│EXTENDING the track measures 400 meters v-tr│suTh_obSens│SENSATIONCAUSED the stone hurt Jane v-tr│suTh_obTimecont│LASTING the film lasts 5 hours v-tr│suTh_obWeightcont│WEIGHING the stone weighs 5 kg v-trImpltransf│suAg_obRec│RENDERINGinPOSITION he dressed the boy v-trImpltransfObl│suAg_obTh_oblLoc│RENDERINGinPOSITION he spilled water on the tablecloth v-trImpltransfObl-OblRefl│suAg_obTh_oblTrgt│RENDERINGinPOSITION he spilled water on himself v-trImpltransf-obRefl│suAg_obPat│RENDERINGinPOSITION he dressed himself v-tr-suGer│suEffector_obAff│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE getting money for political favours disgusts me v-tr-suAbsger│suThsit_obAff│EXPERIENCECAUSED getting money for political favours disgusts me v-tr-suAbsger│suThsit_obCog│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE building highrises interests Kathy v-tr-suGer│suThsit_obCog│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE my coming astonishes Kathy v-tr-suGer_obDECL│suThsit_obThsit│CAUSATION Jane’s coming entails that you must come v-tr-suGer_obYN│suThsit_obThsit│CAUSATION Jane’s coming determines whether you come v-tr-suWH│suThsit_obCog│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE who comes interests Kathy v-tr-suWH_obWH│suThsit_obThsit│CAUSATION who comes decides who will win v-tr-suYN│suThsit_obCog│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE whether I come interests Kathy v-tr-obAbsger│suAg_obThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE Kathy considers coming v-tr-obDECL│suAg_obEventcont│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGENTITY we arranged that he got a visa v-tr-obDECL│suCog_obThsit│COGNITION Kathy knows that I came v-tr-obDECL│suCog_obThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE I assume that he is qualified v-tr-obDECL│suSens_obThsit│SENSATION Kathy sees that Jane sleeps v-tr-obEqInf│suAg_obThsit│ACTIVITY Kathy tries to come v-tr-obRefl│suAg_obAff│AFFECTING Kathy washes herself v-trExpnSu-expnDECL│obCog_expnThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE it worries me that he hasn’t come v-trExpnSu-expnCOND│obCog_expnThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE it will not surprise me if he comes v-trExpnSu-expnEqInf│obCog_expnSuThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE it pleases me to come v-trExpnSu│obMeas_expnAbsinf││ASSESS it takes two hours to go there v-trExpnOb-expnCOND│suCog_expnThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE I will deplore it if you come v-trExpnOb-expnAbsinf│suAg_expnThsit│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGENTITY we make it impossible to come v-trNrf-obReflExpl│suAgmover│MOTION the boy raised himself v-trNrfPrt_obReflExpl│suAgmover│MOTIONDIRECTED the boy pulled himself up v-trNrfAdv-obReflExpl│suAg│ACTIVITY he behaved himself nicely v-trNrfObl-obReflExpl_oblEqSuGer│suAg_oblThsit Jane resigned herself to waiting v-trNrfPath-obReflExpl│suAgmover│MOTION he pushes himself forward v-trNrfPrtcl-obRefl│suAg│ACTIVITY Kathy messed herself up v-trNrfScpr-obReflExpl_scSuNrg_scAdj│suAg he made himself sick v-trNrfScpr-obReflExpl_scSuNrg_scAdj│suAg│INCREMENTALRESULT he shouted himself hoarse v-trObl│suAg_obTh_oblIntrloc│COMMUNICATION he told the news to Kathy v-trObl-obRefl│suAg_obTh_oblCom│ACHVMNT he allied himself with the boy v-trObl-obRefl_oblBPob│suAg_obAff_oblThloc│PARTWHOLEAFFECTING Jack scratched himself on the back v-trObl-obReflExpl_oblBPob│suAff_oblThloc│PARTWHOLEAFFECTING Jack cut himself on the knee v-trObl-oblBPob│suAg_obAff_oblThloc│PARTWHOLEAFFECTING I kicked Jack in the leg v-trObl-oblDECL│suAg_obIntrloc_oblThsit│LOCUTACT he told Jack that he had come v-trObl-oblPP│suAg_obIntrloc_oblThsit│LOCUTACT he told Jack about his coming v-trObl-oblYN│suAg_obIntrloc_oblThsit│LOCUTACT he asked Jack whether he came v-trPassinf-EqSuInf│suAg_obIntrloc_oblThsit│LOCUTACT he begged me to be allowed to come v-trObl-oblInf│suAg_obInterloc_oblThsit│LOCUTACT he begged me to go v-trObl-obRefl_oblEqSuGer│suAg_obTh_oblThsit│COMMITMENT he commits himself to coming v-trObl-oblPP│suAg_obInterloc_oblThsit│LOCUTACT we tell the children about building houses v-trOblScpr-scSuNrg_scN│oblCog_scThsit│PERCPT he seems to me an idiot v-trOblScpr-scSuNrg_scInf│oblCog_scThsit│PERCPT he seems to me to be an idiot v-trPath│suAg_obPurelyorient│ORIENT he directs the arrow to the north v-trPath│suAg_obOrientedline│LINESITUATING he draws the line to the left v-trPath│suAgmover_obLocomoevent│LOCOMOCONDUCTION they take the tour to the north v-trPath│suAgmover_obOrientedline│USINGPATH the boy will take the path toward the river v-trPath│suAgmover_obInstrmover│USINGVEHICLE the boy will take the bus to town v-trPrtcl│suExper_obTh│EXHIBATTITUDE Kathy approves of your choice v-trPrtcl│suCog_obTh│COGNITION Kathy found out the answer v-trPrtcl-obDECLcmp│suCog_obThsit│COGNITION Kathy found out that I came v-trPrtcl-obRefl│suAg_obTh│COMPLETEDACTIVITY Kathy cleaned herself up v-trPrtcl-obYN-suCog_obThsit-COGNITION Kathy found out whether they came v-trPrtcl-obWH│suCog_obThsit│COGNITION Kathy found out who came v-trScpr-scBareinf│suSens_obThsit│SENSATION I saw him run v-trScpr-obRefl_scSuNrg_scPassinf│suAg_obTrgt│PERMISSION they let themselves be seen v-trScpr-scGer│suAg_obTime_scThsit│SUSTAINEDACTIVITY we spent a week doing it v-trScpr-scObNrg_scInf│suCog_scThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE I assume him to be qualified v-trScpr-scObNrg_scGer│suSens│SENSATION I saw him running (he was running) v-trScpr-scEqSuGer│suSens_obTh│SENSATION I saw him running (I was running) v-trScpr-scObNrg_obRefl_scGer│suSens_obThsit│SENSATION he felt himself falling v-trScpr-scObNrg_scAdj│suCog│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE she considers Jack qualified v-trScpr-scObNrg_obRefl_scAdj│suCog_obThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE she considers herself qualified v-trScpr-scObNrg_scPredprtcl│suAg_obThsit│PROPOSITIONALATTITUDE they perceived him as qualified v-trScpr-scObNrg_scN│suAg_obThsit│REPRESENT she calls Jane a friend v-trScpr-scObNrg_obRefl_scN│suAg_obThsit│REPRESENT she calls herself a friend v-trScpr-scObNrg_scBareinf│suAg│PERMISSION they let the man sing v-trScpr-scObNrg_scPassInf│suAg│PERMISSION they let the song be sung v-trScpr-scObArgConcurr_scAdj│suAg_obAffincrem│CONCURRSTATE he drank the coffee cold v-trScpr-scObArgConcurr_scPP│suAg_obThvehcl│CONCURRSTATE he drove the car in good condition v-trScpr-scObArgConcurr_scPredprtcl│suAg_obThvehcl│CONCURRSTATE he drove the car as an airport limousine v-trScpr-scObArgRes_scAdj│suCsr_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGENTITY she pounded the soil flat v-trScpr-scObNrgRes_scPP│suCsr_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGENTITY she put the house into good condition v-trScpr-scObNrgRes_scPP│suCsr_scCsd│PLACEMENT she put the shoes behind the door v-trScpr-scObArgCsd_scAdv│suAg_obAff_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT he kicked the ball away v-trScpr-scObNrgCsd_scAdj│suAg_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT they drank the house dry v-trScpr-scObNrgCsd_obRefl_scAdj│suAg_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT she ran herself ragged v-trScprShft-scObArgCsd_scAdv│suAg_obAff_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT he pushed away the branches v-trScpr-obDir_obRefl_scObNrgCsd_scAdv│suAg_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT he gets himself away v-trScpr-obPossp_scObNrgCsd_scAdv│suAg_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT he sang his sorrows away v-trScprShft-obPossp_scObNrgCsd_scAdv│suAg_scCsd│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT she wiped away her tears
v-ditr│suAg_iobRec_obTh│TRANSFER I gave him the book v-ditr│suAg_iobBen_obTh│SUSTAINEDSTATE he owes her a book v-trAdv│suThsit_iobAg_advTime│SUSTAINEDACTIVITY the job took us all day v-ditr-suAbsger│suThsit_iobBen_obThabst│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT taking walks gives you strength v-ditr-suGer│suThsit_iobBen_obTh│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGEVENT his singing gives Kathy a headache v-ditr-suYN│suThsit_iobPrcvr_obTh│ASSESS whether he comes first will give us our plan of attack v-ditr-suWH│suThsit_iobPrcvr_obThʧASSESS what happens last gives us the plan of attack v-ditr-iobPP│suAg_obTh_iobRec│TRANSFER Jack supplied fruit to the store v-ditr-iobRefl│suAg_iobBen_obTh│AVAILING he gave himself time v-ditr-iobRefl│suAg_iobPermissee_obTh│PERMISSION Kathy allowed herself three cakes v-ditr-obDECL│suAg_iobIntrlctr_obThsit│COMMUNICATION Kathy tells me that he often comes v-ditr-obEqIobInf│suAg_iobPermissee_obThsit│COMMITMENT Kathy allows him to come v-ditr-obEqSuInf│suAg_iobIntrlctr_obThsit│COMMITMENT Kathy promises him to come v-ditr-obPP│suAg_iobRec_obTh│TRANSFER Jack supplied us with fruits v-ditr-obWH│suAg_iobIntrlctr_obThsit│COMMUNICATION he tells me who comes v-ditr-obYN│suAg_iobIntrlctr_obThsit│COMMUNICATION he tells me whether they come v-ditr-iobRefl_obEqIobInf│suAg_iobPermissee_obThsit│COMMITMENT Kathy allowed herself to come v-ditr-obEqIobBareinf│suAg_iobInterloc_obThsit│COMMITMENT Kathy bade him come v-ditr-obEqIobBareinf│suAg_iobPermissee_obThsit│PERMISSION Kathy let him come v-ditr-suWH_obWH│suThsit_iobPrcvr_obThsit│ASSESS who comes first does not show us who comes last v-ditr-suYN_obYN│suThsit_iobPrcvr_obThsit│ASSESS whether he smiles will show us whether they have a plan v-ditrComp-cmpDECL│suAg_iobComit_obTh│CONDITIONALTRANSFER I bet you fifty cents he won’t come v-ditrExpnSu-expnEqInf│obMeas│ASSESS it took me two hours to get there v-ditrImpltransf│suCsr_iobAff_obTh│CAUSATIONwithCAUSINGENTITY the book cost me ten dollars v-ditrObl│suAg_iobRec_obTh_oblMeas│TRANSFER he sold me the car for fifty dollars v-ditrObl│suAg_iobRec_obTh_oblTrgt│TRANSFER Jack paid Jane fifty dollars for the car v-ditrObl-iobPP│suAg_obTh_iobRec_oblMeas│TRANSFER Jack sold the car to Jane for fifty dollars v-ditrObl-iobPP│suAg_obTh_iobRec_oblTrgt│TRANSFER Jack paid fifty dollars to Jane for the car
v-copAdj│suExper│SEMELFACTIVE Jane is startled v-copAdj│suTh│PROPTY he is kind v-copAdj-suAbsGer│suThsit│ASSESS running is healthy v-copAdj-suDECL│suThsit│ASSESS that he came at all is surprising v-copAdj-suInf│suThsit│ASSESS to err is human v-copAdj-suWH│suThsit│ASSESS who will comes is uncertain v-copAdj-suYN│suThsit│ASSESS whether he comes is uncertain v-copAdjObl-oblEqSuGer│suAg_oblActivity│HABITUALACTIVITY Jane is busy (these days) with writing v-copN│suTh│PROPTY he is a fool v-copN-suAbsger│suThsit│ASSESS seeing him was a pleasure v-copN-suDECL│suThsit│ASSESS that he came was a shock v-copN-suWH│suThsit│ASSESS who should go is the question v-copN-suYN│suThsit│ASSESS whether he will come is a question v-copPP│suTh│ASSESS the performance was beyond belief v-copPP│suTh│EXHIBACTIVITY the performance is in progress v-copPP-suDECL│suThsit│ASSESS that he came was beyond our expectations v-copPP-suWH│suThsit│ASSESS who may perform is under consideration v-copPP-suYN│suThsit│ASSESS whether he may perform is under discussion v-copPredprtcl│suTh│ASSESS the result was as desired v-copPredprtcl-suAbsinf│suThsit│ASSESS to be there was like a dream v-copPredprtcl-suAbsger│suThsit│ASSESS being there was like a dream v-copPredprtcl-suWH│suThsit│ASSESS what he said was off the mark v-copExpnAdj-expnDECL│expnThsitɲASSESS it is sad that he leaves v-copExpnAdj-expnAbsinf│expnThsit│ASSESS it is great to be healthy v-copExpnAdj-expnYN│expnThsit╠ASSESS it is uncertain whether he comes v-copExpnAdj-expnWH│expnThsit│ASSESS it is uncertain who came v-copExpnN-expnAbsinf│expnThsit│ASSESS it is a chore to chop wood v-copExpnN-expnDECL│expnThsit│ASSESS it was a disappointment that he failed v-copExpnN-expnWH│expnThsit│ASSESS it is a question who will come v-copExpnN-expnYN│expnThsit│ASSESS it is a question whether he will come v-copExpnNPredprt-expnAbsger│expnThsit│ASSESS there is an art to eating spaghetti v-copExpnPP-expnDECL│expnThsit│ASSESS it was in the third round that he lost v-copExpnPredprtPP-expnDECL│expnThsit│ASSESS it is out of the question that he comes v-copExpnPredprtcl-expnDECL│expnThsit│ASSESS it is as well that he knows v-copImpersAdjLoc│ASSESS it is nice here v-copImpersAdjLoc-locPP│ASSESS it is nice in Trondheim v-copIdN│suIdfd_scIdfng│IDENTITY this is the man v-copIdAbsinf│suIdfd_scIdfng│IDENTITY the task is to finish it v-copIdDECL│suIdfd_scIdfng│IDENTITY the problem is that he likes herring v-copIdWH│suIdfd_scIdfng│IDENTITY the problem is who gets it v-copIdYN│suIdfd_scIdfng│IDENTITY the problem is whether he eats meat v-copIdN-suDECL│suIdfd_scIdfng│IDENTITY that he picks up the letter is the signal v-copIdN-suAbsger│suIdfd_scIdfng│IDENTITY eating it is the last step v-copIdAbsinf-suAbsinf│suIdfd_scIdfng│IDENTITY to eat hot dogs is to support the global economy v-copIdAbsger-suAbsger│suIdfd_scIdfng│IDENTITY eating local food is supporting local culture
Auxiliary verb
With focus on main verb:
axv_intr-av1mod he can come axv_intr-vPart│PERFECT he has come axv-intr-vPart│suAgmover│MOTION the boy is running
As a ‘root’ modal:
v-intrAuxmodComp-compEqBareinf-suAg_compThsit he can come
As an ‘epistemic’ modal:
v-intrScpr-scSuNrg_scBareinf he can come